Thursday, November 2, 2023



Greetings from This blog article will help you learn more about Python.

Note: This material is provided based on the JNTUK R20 syllabus.

Let's dive into the content you are all going to see in this material. In this, you can see what Python is and what a program development cycle is, and along with that, you are going to see what the datatypes, structures, precendence, etc.

Python is a high-level language that is flexible enough to deal with vast areas of work such as data science, machine learning, robotics, and AI assistant creation.

Why do most people prefer the Python language?

People prefer the Python language mostly for several reasons:

  • simple and easy to learn.
  • flexibility
  • free and open source
  • vast standard libraries
  • scalability
  • less SLOC [source lines of code]
  • dynamically typed and interpreted language
  • efficient data visualization after R-language
  • Object-oriented programming and integrated
  • GUI support
  • cross-platform language/portability

Python was invented by Guido Van Rossum in 1991. In fact, so many people don't know why Python is named Python. There is a fact: when Guido van Rossum reads a famous BBC comic about Monty Python flying circus, he wanted to choose a name a little bit mysterious, so he chose Python as the name of his invention.

You can download Python from the site. There are a vast number of platforms for Python, such as Idle 3.12, Notepad, Notepad++, Spyder, Jupyter Notebook, Pycharm, Sublime Editor, Anaconda, Visual Studio, etc.

Why should we learn Python? Python can help in various fields such as web development, machine learning, data analysis, scripting, game development, embedded applications for IOT, data science, deep learning, and natural language processing.

What do you gain from this material about Python?

  • Input: how we provide the input in Python, such as static input and dynamic input.
  • Processing: how is the input data processed in Python, and what are the stages involved in the processing of Python code?
  • Output: how the output is displayed in the shell of a Python script
  • Output with the print Function: The print function is an output function that returns the output data in the Python shell.
  • Comments: Comments are necessary to learn how to provide a description of how the code works. In Python, we have single-line comments and multiline comments, also known as documentation.
  • Variables: These are the containers that store data using a specific name. Here you'll see what the rules are for declaring a perfect variable and how we can manipulate a variable.
  • Reading input from the keyboard: input() is a function to read the input from the user side into the program.
  • Performing Calculations: How You Can Do Calculations Using Python will be seen.
  • operators: what are the operators to perform the various calculations using Python, such as arithemetic, logical, and shift operations?
  • conditional statements: they are used in decision-making using Python and are completed based on boolean values.
  • if condition: if the given condition is true, then only code in its block is executed.
  • if-else condition: the given condition is true. if block is executed; otherwise, block is executed.
  • Repetition structures: in this, it shows how code can be repeated multiple times.
  • While loop: until the condition is false, the loop is executed.
  • for loop: until the sequence exists, statements are executed.

 link to the material: UNIT-1


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